Can we see light in the darkness?

We are at the beginning of a new term and a new topic in Y3. Our big question that we’ll be thinking and basing our learning around is… ‘Can we see light in the darkness?’ 

We have decided to produce a magazine by the end of the topic and plan on showcasing all our amazing work in this magazine. 

To start the process off, we had a look at lots of different types of magazines and picked out all of the features we liked in them (such as adverts, interviews, readers letters etc).

Later yesterday afternoon, we had a P4C (philosophy for children) session discussing the big question. We wrote down our first thoughts on post it notes, and plan on doing another couple of P4C sessions throughout the topic to see how our thoughts and opinions have changed! Here’s out first thoughts:

Most children related their answers to being able to see lamps, street lights and the moon in the dark. Some children mentioned that eating carrots helps you see in the dark, and others related the ‘darkness’ to negative feelings like sadness and anger, and the ‘light’ to happiness and fun. It’ll be interesting to see how our thoughts change!

Today, we were extremely lucky to have a visitor to Y3. His name is Ian, and he is an editor for climbing magazine ‘Climb’. He gave us a great background of his work, what’s involved in the magazine making process and answered lots of questions. We all found it really helpful and can’t wait to get started now! 

Tomorrow, we are off to Weston Park Museum to go and explore the history of the Ancient Egyptians! 

CLIC tests

Fantastic work from Y3CH today. 10 children managed to get 11/11 on their CLIC tests. It’s great to finish the term on such a positive note. Have a restful Easter and we will see you soon! Well done to all of Y3 on a very successful term!