
This week in Y3, we are finishing off our recounts of our fantastic trip to Creswell Crags. We’ve spent today learning how to edit and improve writing so are now working in pairs to edit and improve our writing. We’ve worked really hard to include time adverbs, correct spellings and conjunctions.

All the staff in Y3 are so proud of how much we’ve improved already since the beginning of Y3!

Creswell Crags

What an amazing time we had at Creswell Crags! We explored some deep, dark caves and had a look at how people would have lived back then. We did a mini archaeological dig and sorted all our finds into different categories. We also learnt some survival skills – you need to follow the animals poo to find it – yuck!

Maths magic

A big well done to the whole of Y3AE today because EVERYONE in class has improved their CLIC test scores!

Here’s the seven people who got 11/11.. wow!

A big well done to the following children too, who got either 9 or 10 out of 11, so are very close to full marks!










Superstars! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Attacking and defending

This term Y3 are improving our attacking and defending skills. We’ve had a look at how to mark an opponent and we are definitely improving each week!

This video doesn’t exist
This video doesn’t exist

Choose respect

This week is anti-bullying week and in Y3 we are exploring the theme ‘choose respect’ by having circle time all about what we think it means to respect each other. We’re turning our thoughts into posters and of course we’ve had a good old dance to Aretha Franklin’s ‘Respect’!

This video doesn’t exist

Getting creative

In Y3 this afternoon, we have been getting our hands mucky and creating some Stone Age masterpieces. We are creating replica Stone Age jewellery. Some of us thought they might’ve used animal teeth and bones, claws or acorns to make beads so we based our designs on that. We’ll be painting them tomorrow so check back soon to see the finished items!