Khadija’s Eid

Khadija shared with us some photos of her celebrating Eid.

Khadija you look wonderful in your Eid clothes, we hope you had the best time celebrating with your family.

We are very proud of the diveristy in our school and we hope many of you will come and join our school Eid celebration in Tuesday the 10th. The first part of the afternoon will be in the classroom from 2pm. We will discuss the importance of Eid, and there will be crafts for children and parents to do together.

At the end of the school day, you are welcome to join us in the hall for Eid cake.

Flower Spotting

Mrs Steele and Rory went on walk this morning to see what flowers we could find. We saw lots of bluebells, cow parsley, herb roberts, orange poppies, forget-me-nots and a new flower we were told are known as ‘snow in summer’. We had a lovely time spotting flowers.

If you spot any flowers this week don’t forget to send us pictures so we can put them on the blog for everyone to see and tick them off on your sheet!

School in Rwanda

As part of our Geography theme this half term we have made links with a school in Rwanda. The children have all written letters to the class telling them about their lives and we’re looking forward to receiving replies soon.

Here is a picture of the children during their reading time.

Fire safety

Yesterday we had a visit from the fire safety team who spoke to us about how to stay safe around fire and what to do if we get in a dangerous situation involving fire.

Ask your children to show you the stop, drop and roll. Can they tell you anything else about how to stay safe around fire.

A fair test in science

We have began a fair test in science today, we will be making observations over the rest of this half term.

We have planted a sunflower seed and placed the pot in different conditions: outside, on the windowsill and in the dark to see which grows best. We have also planted some seeds close together to see how crowding affects their growth.

The children have come home with a science challenge today, we are loving our plants topic so please support your children in completing it and send us pictures to along the way.