Today’s learning- 11/5/2020

Happy Monday everyone, we hope you had a lovely long weekend, really pleasing to see you all straight back on with your learning today!

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We hope lots of you enjoyed VE day celebrations at the weekend. We haven’t had many photos through, but here are a couple of good ones.

It was Mackenzie’s birthday on Friday, we hope you had a fabulous day. We received this picture of a very cute baby Mackenzie to share!

We are really proud of Tyler who has worked really hard on this Geography, well done Tyler, we are really proud of you 🙂

Cole has been super busy, and has sent us his work from Thursday and today. He has been practising telling the time and predicted that in our new class book Mildred will be a naughty witch who breaks stuff.

Tom has been getting lots of reading done, reading the whole of ‘The Man who wore all of his Clothes’ by Allan Ahlberg, great work Tom!

Diana has been practising her times tables, well done Diana, let us know when you are ready to be tested.

Mason has made a fort from sticks and a sheet which he is going to use to read in. Hope it keeps you dry in the rain Mason!

Amir has been working super hard on his Maths, thumbs up Amir!

Today has been a super writing day for Aliyan. He has written a lovely story for his daily challenge about John the clown who is helped by a Kangeroo, Aliyan has even included speech in his story 🙂

Levi has watched Chapter 1 of our new book, The Worst Witch today, he has predicted that Mildred will accidently stand on the cats tail and it will jump out of the window.
If that happens, I hope the cat is ok Levi!

Evie has been a busy bee today and written a story about a tough rock princess! Great work Evie.

Another one who has been a busy bee today is Jack. He started the day doing Joe Wicks with his brother Liam, then wrote a story about a chubby, little policeman and has also found time to do his spelling, maths and listen to The Worst Witch.

Leyla has been working hard today and has written a fabulous short story about Ariana Grande meeting a Kangaroo wearing clown shoes in Australia!!

Ibrahim has been keeping up with his spellings and some brilliant Maths today. Ibrahim, we are really pleased you are still setting out your column multiplication so beautifully.

Lastly today, Skye has been busy as usual, well done Skye.

One thought on “Today’s learning- 11/5/2020

  1. Great to see that so many of you Y3s are working hard, well done to Skye, Ibrahim, Leyla, Jack, Evie, Levi, Aliyan, Amir, Mason, Diana, Tom, Cole, and Tyler. Oh my goodness, how cute was Mackenzie as a tiny newborn!


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